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Mitten Ice Tongs

It's a cruel world we live in when no one bothers to think how ice tongs feel about the cold. How do we know their adorable little cube-grabbers aren't reeling from the pain of winter's bite? Well, rest your furrowed brow, dear reader, for these tongs are swaddled in grippy, silicon mittens. They revel in the ice! Your moral edge is secure. Now, onto the debate about fire pokers. 😬
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Sloth Tea Infuser

On Earth, there is no chiller animal than the noble sloth. 😴 In mugs, there is no drink more soothing than the humble tea. It should be no surprise that their alliance would produce an infuser so majestically pacifying, your bud will be reborn in the image of one bongo-tapping Matthew McConaughey. Sloths and tea: it's bigger than all of us. 🌎

Gold Border Constellation Coasters

Plop your drinks onto the cosmos and set phasers to imbibe. These sturdy, glass coasters come two to a pack and are perfect for protecting furniture from any perspiring refreshment, even blue milk. When your friend thanks you, tell them we said don't sweat it. πŸ˜‰

Popup Animal Lights

Sometimes a design can feel so radically simple and intuitive, it seems a wonder it's never been thought of before. These pop-up, aluminum lights fall into just such a category. Ranging from 🦚 and πŸ¦‰ to 🦌 and even 🌡, these sleek sconces will transform any bud's abode into the elegant safari home of their dreams.