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Hanging Ceramic Wall Planters

"I wish our home had less oxygen and pleasant-smelling houseplants," said no one ever.

Suffuse your friend's abode in fresh air and the unbridled satisfaction that comes with raising a living cactus or succulent, even if they are super-duper easy to grow. We won't tell. πŸ˜‰

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Gold Border Constellation Coasters

Plop your drinks onto the cosmos and set phasers to imbibe. These sturdy, glass coasters come two to a pack and are perfect for protecting furniture from any perspiring refreshment, even blue milk. When your friend thanks you, tell them we said don't sweat it. πŸ˜‰

Nanoleaf Light Panels

Is your friend constantly languishing about how most lights only contain one color? Are they apoplectic at the roundness of bulbs, with their smug lack of corners and angles? Soothe their furrowed brow by transforming their home into the neo-trance rave of their dreams with these crazy customizable, go-anywhere, light-up-any-color, music-reactive panels from Nanoleaf. πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€πŸ’‘πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€

Mitten Ice Tongs

It's a cruel world we live in when no one bothers to think how ice tongs feel about the cold. How do we know their adorable little cube-grabbers aren't reeling from the pain of winter's bite? Well, rest your furrowed brow, dear reader, for these tongs are swaddled in grippy, silicon mittens. They revel in the ice! Your moral edge is secure. Now, onto the debate about fire pokers. 😬