Best Buds finds the best gifts for best friends. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

Mushions Custom Face Pillow

Feel like you and your bud don't see enough of each other? Make that a problem of the past by gifting them soft and cuddly versions of your glorious faces.

$21.99 for one (a bold move) or $32.99 for a pair. Plush friendship powers activate! 🌈

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A Custom Oilpainted Portrait by Nobilified

The majesty of your friendship deserves to be captured. But how?

We'll tell you how. Hire the artisans at Nobilified to paint you both into an epic scene from history. The only quesiton left to answer: how do you split custody of your masterpiece? πŸ–Ό

Instagram Frames by Framebridge

We've all shared magic moments of friendship on Instagram. Pick one and immortalize it on high-quality paper stock with a custom made Instagram Frame by Framebridge. Gift one to the only "like" that matters. ❀️

Hanging Ceramic Wall Planters

"I wish our home had less oxygen and pleasant-smelling houseplants," said no one ever.

Suffuse your friend's abode in fresh air and the unbridled satisfaction that comes with raising a living cactus or succulent, even if they are super-duper easy to grow. We won't tell. πŸ˜‰