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Custom Devil Prayer Candle

Some friends are perfect angels. πŸ˜‡

Others...well...let's just say their misdeeds have led you to purchasing this personalized devil prayer candle. Hail your pal, Satan! 😈

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Custom Dog Socks

Some of our best friends are human. Others are not.

If there was ever a doubt in your mind that we live in the best timeline, look no further than our capacity as a people to immortalize our closest pups in these fully-customizable, comfy socks. Honor thy 🐢!

Pangea Wood Map

These spectacular handmade maps combine our loves of woodworking, discerning art 🎨, and reminding our bud that we totally respect their choice to move to Puget Sound to pursue craft beer brewing for penny-farthing enthusiasts. Just look at that river basin. Gorgeous.

Mitten Ice Tongs

It's a cruel world we live in when no one bothers to think how ice tongs feel about the cold. How do we know their adorable little cube-grabbers aren't reeling from the pain of winter's bite? Well, rest your furrowed brow, dear reader, for these tongs are swaddled in grippy, silicon mittens. They revel in the ice! Your moral edge is secure. Now, onto the debate about fire pokers. 😬