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Custom Devil Prayer Candle

Some friends are perfect angels. πŸ˜‡

Others...well...let's just say their misdeeds have led you to purchasing this personalized devil prayer candle. Hail your pal, Satan! 😈

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Gold Border Constellation Coasters

Plop your drinks onto the cosmos and set phasers to imbibe. These sturdy, glass coasters come two to a pack and are perfect for protecting furniture from any perspiring refreshment, even blue milk. When your friend thanks you, tell them we said don't sweat it. πŸ˜‰

Custom Portrait Stamp

Behold! Your faces! On stamps! No longer will things like poor longterm planning and Fortnite addictions keep you and your friend from stacking up the lifetime of successes necessary for stamp based immortalization. The future is now. Notarize your lives.

Custom Pez Dispenser

Ennoble your closest friends with that most functional of toys: the mighty Pez Dispenser. Relive cherished memories of Halloweens gone-by by stuffing their plastic faces with enough sweets to literally and figuratively fill them to the brim. Handsome, delicious, and utilitarian; how many toys can claim that? πŸ˜›