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ZipStitch Laceration Kit

Repair your bud! ZipStitch is perfect for the friend you love who finds themselves in dangerous situations. In a pinch, the ZipStich enables nearly anyone to expertly treat an open cut that can't be closed with bandages. Surgical-quality wound closure on-the-go! Save the limb of the pal who makes you look cool 😎 for knowing them.

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Husqvarna 19" Wooden Carpenter's Axe

Whether your buddy is looking to fell a small pine or get into the illustrious sport of axe-throwing, Husqvarna makes some of the best Swedish steel money can buy. Period. And with a 19" handle, this carpenter's axe is the perfect length for long arcing shots at the bullseye. Get your πŸ‘ in!

Inflatable Car Bed

Listen, you work hard. You have a car (probably). And you love to sleep (hopefully). Have you ever tried taking a nap in your car? It's bad. Like committing yoga moves in a confined, velour-jail bad. Do yourself a favor and give the gift of a business-class πŸ›Œ in the back seat. Your bud deserves life-affirming sleep on any road trip.

Crushable Solar Lantern from Goal Zero

No one's saying we're afraid of the dark. Definitely not. But say, theoretically, we were to get "sensibly anxious" at night while camping. Lucky for us, this crushable solar lantern would be easy to pack in our bag next to the stuffed bear and copy of Goodnight Moon. Did you hear that? πŸ‘»