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ROVA Electric Cooler and Charging Station

Pop quiz, hotshot: there are twelve burgers and as many hot dogs steadily getting warmer in your styrofoam cooler. How long do you have until they both become inedible? ๐Ÿ˜“

Trick question; you planned ahead and snagged a ROVA cooler, keeping those meaty morsels cool for over a week. Crisis averted, Keanu.

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Mountain Backpacker Medical Kit

Avoid a Revenant-style death ๐Ÿป and protect your bud from whatever challenges Mother Nature throws their way. Adventure Medical Kits are to first aid as Ossetra caviar are to fish eggs, and the Mountain Backpacker edition has everything you and a friend need to survive a four-day foray in the wilderness. Safety first!

Field Sharpener

Has your bud's Bowie become so dull that even Croc Dundee would say, "...that's not a knife. I don't know what that is." ๐Ÿค 

Alleviate their blunt woes with this powerful, compact Field Sharpener featuring a Diamond Plate, Ceramic Rod, and Leather Strop to hone any blade to a razor's edge, no matter where you are. Finally, it will cut! ๐Ÿ™

RTIC Soft Pack 30 Cooler

Miles out in the sticks, your bud turns to you with sweat beading across their brow. They look you in the eye, trembling, as they say the four words that can lay waste to any fishing or camping expedition, "we're out of beer." ๐Ÿ˜ถ Smoother than Sinatra's aftershave, you reach into your hidden RTIC cooler and pull out an icy brew. ๐Ÿป Crisis averted, friendship tempered, satiety your reward.