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The Family Meal: Home Cooking with Ferran Adrià
You know what's better than free food? Bonkers-quality free food that your bud prepared because you gave them a cookbook written by, arguably, the world's greatest chef, Ferran Adria. Here, the cook who once ran the 3-Michelin starred restaurant, elBulli, addresses simple dishes deliciously such as asparagus and eggs, chicken wings with mushrooms, and white chocolate cream.
You don't have to own the complete, leather-bound works of Kipling, or have an atheneum dotted with oil paintings of hunting dogs to smell like a person of means. Your bud will thank you as they light this bad boy up 🕯 and let their freshly minted status wash over them like a platinum breeze. It's good to be the king(s). 👑
Feel like you and your bud don't see enough of each other? Make that a problem of the past by gifting them soft and cuddly versions of your glorious faces.
$21.99 for one (a bold move) or $32.99 for a pair. Plush friendship powers activate! 🌈
Contrary to popular belief, rolling pins are useful for purposes beyond that of comic strip bonking and thwacking. Encourage your buddy's baking with a personal message letting them know that you adore their cooking, and demand cookies as recompense! 🤗