Best Buds finds the best gifts for best friends. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

Custom Rolling Pin

Contrary to popular belief, rolling pins are useful for purposes beyond that of comic strip bonking and thwacking. Encourage your buddy's baking with a personal message letting them know that you adore their cooking, and demand cookies as recompense! πŸ€—
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A Custom Oilpainted Portrait by Nobilified

The majesty of your friendship deserves to be captured. But how?

We'll tell you how. Hire the artisans at Nobilified to paint you both into an epic scene from history. The only quesiton left to answer: how do you split custody of your masterpiece? πŸ–Ό

The Best Custom Tandem Bike

Take the streets by storm in the Ferrari La Ferrari of tandem bikes. 🚲🚲 Demonstrate the strength of your friendship on a cross country tandem ride that takes you from sea to shining sea. Adventure is calling, will you answer?

Sloth Tea Infuser

On Earth, there is no chiller animal than the noble sloth. 😴 In mugs, there is no drink more soothing than the humble tea. It should be no surprise that their alliance would produce an infuser so majestically pacifying, your bud will be reborn in the image of one bongo-tapping Matthew McConaughey. Sloths and tea: it's bigger than all of us. 🌎