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The Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky

To say Alejandro Jodorowsky is an avant-garde storyteller is like calling macaws long-birds; it's kinda missing the point. His works of film and literature could be ranked among the most bizarre, fantastical, and influential pieces of the last 50 years. Shatter your bud's definition of time and space; expose them to ✨The Incal ✨!
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James Turrell: A Retrospective

Steep your friend in the quasi-spiritual, otherworldly light 🌈 phenomena of master light and space artist James Turrell. Inspire them to find their peace with the universe and run with you to the closest contemporary art museum.

The Codex Seraphinianus

We all need to dip our toes in the river of strange from time to time to get the creative juices flowing. Well, it doesn't get much more surreal than Italian artist, Luigi Serafini's, illustrated encyclopedia of an alien world. Evoking the works of M. C. Escher and Hieronymus Bosch, this codex plays out like John James Audobon's depiction of The Lorax. Keep it weird. 👽

Through a Different Lens: Stanley Kubrick Photographs

Among the most complex and capable directors of all time, Stanley Kubrick was also a prolific photographer. This immaculate collection of his images, many previously unseen, coincides with a major exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York and The Design Museum in London. For the budding filmmaker or shutterbug, it doesn't much get better than the work of this master.