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Stonewall Kitchen Ghost Pepper Jelly

We traditionally think of jelly as the gentle brother to papa peanut butter. But this ain't your friendly jelly. It lurks like a ghost in an abandoned flavor mansion, ready to strike fear into the hearts of spice loving buds young and old. Spread on cheese, toast, or chicken to infuse them with power. πŸ™Œ
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Soylent Cafe Variety Pack

Exams, presentations, and business reports loom like a cackling Drosselmeyer. When stress hits, the first thing to be thrown out are healthy meals. How will your buds survive?

Simple, take the guesswork out of nutrition by giving them Soylent, a delicious meal replacement drink with all the macronutrients and vitamins your friends need to withstand the onslaught of tedium. Endure! πŸ’ͺ

Secret Aardvark Sauce Sampler

The hottest thing to emerge from Portland since Carrie Brownstein discovered sketch comedy, this trio of infernal sauces will inject a little pep into any spice-loving friend's step.

Our favorite? The ambrosial Aardvark Habanero Sauce: tangy, Tex-Mexy, with a dash of Caribbean panache, and just mellow enough to splash on anything and everything. The addiction is real. πŸŒΆπŸ’‰

Jacobsen Spicy Salt Trio

Is it a coincidence that there are three spicy salts in this set; the same number of heads on Cerberus, the dog-monster guarding the gates of Hades? We think not. Spice up your meats and veggies carefully, friends, or do so at your own peril.