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Star Wars Pop-Up Cards

Guilty of the last-minute drug store dash to find a card? Knock out your obligation for several bud celebrations to come. Just remember, when everyone starts freaking out at their pop-up Vader and GOLD Tie Fighter cards, don't get cocky, kid.
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Lovepop Drogon and Daenerys Card

We all aspire for kinship as strong as Drogon and Daenerys. Forge a stronger bond with your bud by inviting them to your Game of Thrones Season 8 premiere party with a card royal enough to take the iron throne. 🐲

Star Wars Pancake Molds

For almost forty years, absolutely no one has argued which is better: Star Wars or pancakes. There have been no lines drawn, duels provoked, nor clash of jedi v. batter. And yet, to a question that needed no answer, there is an answer nonetheless. Why not have both? Star Wars pancakes: don't 👏 over 👏 think 👏 them 👏because 👏 they're 👏 amazing.

Lovepop Yellow Submarine Card

Throw shade on the Blue Meanies and give your friend the gift of Pepperland, or else risk life as a Nowhere Man. Whatever the occasion, everyone knows that pop up cards > all other cards. Love is all you need! 💌💛💌