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Spyra One Dual Set

Many forget, the 90s were more than just the rise of grunge and Monica's bangs, it was also a time of war. Come summer, the threat of being supersoaked was a day-to-day struggle in Everytown, America. For some, those were dark, soggy times. For others, they were the greatest years of our lives. Bring back the fun with the non-pumping, crazy-accurate Spyra One! πŸ’¦ πŸ”«
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Building Block Tape

Building block tables are so limiting, don't you think? What if you and your pals want to build a tower...sideways? Or upside down? Or whatever direction Willy Wonka was always ranting about? Slantways! Blocks are about the freedom to create whatever, however you want. So slap up this tape and take your creations to the sky! Or better yet, the walls!

Bottlecap Opener / Launcher

Your bud thought the bottle cap war was settled. Little did they know that in a secret workshop buried deep in once-forgotten caves, a new weapon was being forged. Launch your surprise attack at the next BBQ and claim victory once and for all.


Nothing bogs down a day in the water like the inability to fly under the waves like Jason Mamoa in gold tights. Subwing solved that problem for us mere-mortals by creating a tow system that allows you and your bud to pull Atlantean acrobatics and corkscrews with ease. Just keep an eye out for the Kraken. πŸ™