Best Buds finds the best gifts for best friends. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

Pyro Mini-Fireshooter

Shoot balls of fire from your empty hands for under $150. Let us say that again. Shoot balls of FIRE from your freakin' HANDS for under $150!!! IS THIS NOT THE FUTURE YOU AND YOUR BUD ALWAYS DREAMED OF? ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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23andMe DNA Test

Your friend's ancestral lineage is no doubt as long and epic as their dating history. Confirm their nobility through a 23andMe DNA test.

Upgrade for an added $100 to also receive a health predisposition report, and give your bud the greatest gift: staying in your life forever. โค๏ธ

Fire Skulls

Worshiping the dark forces of Belial's armies at your fire pit has never been easier thanks to these brutal fireproof bones. Tell your friends they are all that's left of your vanquished enemies! We promise we won't tell. ๐Ÿคž

F-4 Phantom II Ejection Seat III

With over 15 world records for in-flight performance, the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II still remains in service some 60 years after it first took flight. The question isn't so much, does this belong in my bud's living room, as much as, am I comfortable with our friendship peaking at a level higher than the Phantom's altitude envelope (20,252m)?